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Rutherford's model of the atom consisted of a positively charged center, known as NUCLEUS, which also contained most of the atom's mass. Around the nucleus orbited the negatively charged electrons.

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13y ago
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11y ago

He proposed that the atom is mostly empty space, thus explaining the lack of deflection of most of the alpha particles. He concluded that all the positive charge and almost all of the mass are concentrated in a small region that has enough positive charge to account for the great deflection of some alpha particles. He called this region the Nucleus.

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12y ago

he discovered a nucleus, and around this is positive

in outside already they around a positive

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7y ago

An atomic model of Rutherford doesn't exist; Rutherford discovered the proton and supposed the existence of neutron, facts that led to an evolution of the atomic model.

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Q: Describe Rutherford's Model of the atom?
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When was rutherfords model created?

Rutherfords Model is Rutherfords Model... thats it, its just a model.. go look it up on google images im sure you will figure it out by then.

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Niels Bohr introduced the notion of electronic orbits.

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The Rutherford model involve a positive nucleus separated from electrons.

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The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

What describes Rutherfords model of an atom?

Rutherford imagined the atom to be a particle with a thickly concentrated positive nucleus and electrons moving around it.

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The Bohr Model is the modern name used by scientist for a model of an atom, which is often referred to as the Rutherford-Bohr model due to the fact that Neils Bohr just improved Ernest Rutherfords model.

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The planetary model of an atom is simple. The nucleus is the planet and the electrons are the moons in the model.

Rutherfords conclusion of the structure of an atom?

A short answer for the Rutherford atomic model: the atom is composed from a central part - a nucleus, positively charged, surrounded by electrons - very small negative charged particles.

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