

Did Confucius live before or after China was unified?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Did Confucius live before or after China was unified?
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Where did Confucius live in China?

In Lu State.

Did Confucius live before or after the first unification of china?

Confucious lived before the first unification. The first unification was in 246 B.C.E. and he was born in 551 to 479 B.C.E.

What was china like during Confucius' life?

His live was great he had many familes

What did Confucius try to accomplish?

In that time, there were a lot of little countries instead of china. They had constantly wars. Confucius tried to figure out a way to let those countries live in peace.

Followers of Confucius?

There are over 350 million followers of the teaching of Confucius. The great scholar live in china round the 500 BC.

What title was Confucius known by?

Confucius was (and still is) famous primarily because of the virtue and wisdom demonstrated in his life and, even more, held out in writings that have been attributed to him. Combining philosophical and religious insight, his writings offer guidelines to ordinary individuals and leaders on how to live the good life.

What period in history did Confucius live and in what country?

Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC in Zou, Lu state, which is now the Shandong Province in China. He lived during the Zhou Dynasty and died in 479 BC.

What City did Confucius live in?

Confucius lived in the city of Qufu in the contry of Lu.

Did Confucius live in the period called the hundred schools of thought?

Yes he did. I realy have no info on in but I know that Confucius did live in this time

Where and when did Confucius live?

Confusius was Chinese.

How did Confucius live?

Confucius lived from 551 BC to 479 BC He was a famous Chinese teacher.

What civilization did Confucius live in?

He was Chinese I believe.