

Did Leafpool get hit by something at the Moonpool?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No, not by an object.

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Q: Did Leafpool get hit by something at the Moonpool?
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Who found the Moonpool?

The Moonpool was found by a group of three divers named Martyn Farr, John Buxton, and Dave Cobb in 1996. It is an underground pool located in Wookey Hole Caves in Somerset, England.

What destiny does Leafpool have?

Leafpool is a kind and insightful medicine cat who plays a crucial role in the fate of ThunderClan. Her destiny involves making difficult choices that ultimately shape the future of her clan, demonstrating her strength and loyalty to her kin. Leafpool's path is filled with challenges, but she remains a respected and integral member of ThunderClan until the end.

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Graystripe never dies he only gets captured by the twolegs. Leafpaw/Leafpool finds that out when she finds the new Highstones which is called Moonpool and she didn't see his spirit. Starclan tells her shes in the right place.

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Leafpaw found the Moonpool on page 3 of the book "Warriors: Midnight".

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Leafpool's daughter is Hollyleaf.

Why does Leafpool become a warrior instead of staying as a medicine cat?

Leafpool becomes a warrior because she falls in love with Crowfeather and wants to be with him. Pursuing a relationship as a medicine cat is forbidden, so she decides to become a warrior to be with him while still staying true to the warrior code. This decision ultimately leads to consequences for both Leafpool and the Clans.

Is there a battle at the moonpool in warriors?

Yes, there is a battle at the Moonpool in the Warriors series. The Moonpool is a sacred place where the Clans come to share dreams with StarClan, and battles have taken place there when tensions between the Clans escalate.

Will Leafpool die in Sunrise?

No, Leafpool does not die. Leafpool is still alive in the fourth series Omen Of The Stars

What color is leafpool's eyes?

Leafpool's eyes are described as amber in color.

What clan is leafpool in originally?

Leafpool is originally from ThunderClan

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Squirrelflight is Leafpool's sister!