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The first and most important "True Cross of Jesus" was allegedly found by Helena on a pilgrimage to Palestine, where she found the cross of Jesus and those of the two robbers, all still intact, as well as uncovering the places of Jesus' birth, crucifixion and burial, and various other important relics. When Helena left Palestine, she took several pieces of wood from the True Cross.

The custody of the True Cross was entrusted to the bishop of Jerusalem, who gratified the devotion of the pilgrims by the gift of small pieces, which they enchased in gold or gems and carried away to their respective countries. As the commerce would soon have depleted what remained of the cross, it was found convenient to suppose that the marvelous wood possessed a secret power of vegetation, and that its substance, though continually diminished, remained entire and unimpaired.

After an eventful history, the True Cross is believed to have been hidden by the Christians in 1009 CE and remained hidden until 1099, during the First Crusade. It is said that the Moslem leader Saladin captured the cross at the Battle of Hattin in 1187.

Was the True Cross that Saladin is reported to have captured really the same one on which Jesus was crucified, and which had somehow survived intact for so many centuries, even after large quantities of the wood had been traded with the pilgrims, was it an artefact of Helena's self-delusion, or was it a clever but fraudulent device intended at first to encourage Christian faith and later to sustain Church revenue?

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