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Both. They captured the most valiant of their enemy and in a ceremony on top of one of their many pyramids, the priest cut out the soldiers heart and held it up for all to see -- still beating.

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Q: Did aztec soldiers kill their enemies or take prisoners?
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Did the Aztec kill there enemies take prisoners?


Why would the Aztec soldiers kill their enemies?

The Aztec were very territorial so they defended their land with agility. They didnt want their magnificent empire to crumble because of enemies taking land. To be quite blunt the Aztecs hated everyone except their civilization.

Did the aztec's kill their enemies or take them prisoner?

they killed

Did the Aztecs take prisoners or kill there enemies?


Was saladin horrible?

No, even his enemies respected him. he was very merciful and did not kill his prisoners when he took over jerusalem

How did 200 spanish soldiers concre the Aztec empire?

since the Aztec were not nice to their native tribes cortez and his 200 men and also the Inca and Mayan ganged up and destroyed them 1 and 2 is that the Aztec want to capture to conquistadors not kill them while the conquistadors mission was to destroy them.

Why do prisoners kill them selfs?

Some prisoners kill themselves because they can't live in prisons.

What did hernan Cortes kill and who did ge kill?

he killed the Aztec but mainly by introducing disease to the Aztec society

What did aztec's feed their gods?

The Aztecs used humans as sacrifices. They particularly used prisoners from war as sacrifices so part of their tactic was to not kill the enemy so they can sacrifice him later.

Did the Mayans take there enemis prisoners or kill them?

The Aztecs captured them and made them prisoners. The prisoners were then used as a sacrifices in the Aztecs many religious festivals. Some Aztec wars (Flower Wars) were waged for the specific purpose of getting prisoners for future sacrifice.

What did the Nazis soldiers have to do at Auschwitz?

The guards at the camps were SS men. They also enforced camp discipline - with the whip, the club and the hangman's noose.

How did the Aztec and spanish cultures clash?

1. Religion The Aztec's religion based on human sacrifice horrified the Spaniards. When they arrived, the conquistadors attempted to change the Mesoamericans into Christians. 2. Warfare The different fighting styles on the battlefield created a very interesting fight. The Spanish aimed to kill, while Aztec culture caused warriors to want to capture. This is because Aztec society was based on capture - capturing enemies led to promotion in rank in the army and in society. Why did the hierarchy work like this? Because of sacrifice's importance to the Aztecs. Captured enemies were ALWAYS sacrificed to the god, Huitzilopochtli. So in other words, capturing enemies to kill on the altar led to fame and promotion. 3. Technology Although the Aztecs were technologically advanced, the Spanish had steel weapons with points (as opposed to the maces of the Aztecs). This gave the Spanish the edge in battle.