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Q: Did blacks in the south own slaves?
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Did blacks own slaves?

In Africa, some blacks did, and do in the present day, own slaves. In the United States of America I doubt if any black people held other black people as slaves.

Did blacks own slaves in the bahama's?

i cannot answer tis

What year did blacks own slaves?


Why did the south beat there slaves?

because they just hated blacks

What country does Brazil get their slaves from?

Blacks came on slave ships from South Africa

Did blacks fight for the south during the civil war?

Yes they were promised to get there freedom, so the slaves fought for the south.

When we're blacks slaves?

No, we are not blacks slaves, and I don't know when we will be.

What did the free blacks in the South were allowed to?

own property

What are the blacks called who lead slaves out of slavery?

The blacks and other people who led slaves out of slavery were known as abolitionists. Harriet Tubman, is the best known of the escaped slaves who returned to the south to help other slaves escape. She was a primary conductor of the Underground Railroad.

Why blacks were allowed to fight in the north and not the south during the US Civil War?

Many blacks did fight in the south but not as much as blacks in the north. Blacks in the south that fought were either free land owners and were fighting to keep their land, or they were slaves of owners who were drafted in the war and they fought alongside their owners.

Could only whites own slaves?

No. There were free blacks who were slave owners, and Indians too.

Education reform did not help?

free black slaves