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Cloud was never 'in love' with Aerith. He does care for her as much as the rest of AVALANCHE. Or as much as he does for Zack.

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Does cloud strife ever smile?

end of advent children

Does Zack ever kiss Aeris?

I'd love to see that.. But as far as I know, no.

Was Eris goddess of discord and strife ever in love?

Not as far as we know.

Can you ever be stuck inside a cloud?

No. If you've ever been in fog, it's the same as a cloud at different altitude.

Is Cloud Strife emo?

Cloud is in no way what you would call emo. If you ever played the game you would know this. Cloud is depressed in Advent Children for a bit but for a good reason. Give the guy a break, he's human like the rest of us. Everyone's been depressed about something in their life that doesn't automatically make them emo, seeing a good friend die in front of you and not being able to do anything about it is a good reason to be depressed.

How do you use the word cloud in a sentence?

His head is always in a cloud. I've been on cloud nine ever since we met.

Has anyone ever visited the Oort cloud?

No. No person has ever gone farther than the moon. The Oort cloud is not even confirmed to exist.

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How low is the lowest cloud ever recorded?

Ground level. Fog is low-lying cloud.

What is the biggest cloud?

the biggest cloud today is the cirrocumulus cloudit is also called a thunder cloud

Who is cloud stife?

Cloud is the main character from FINAL FANTASY VII. Some regard him as the best Final Fantasy character ever. Some true "Die-Hard" fans of the older series don't think of him as the best while others do. He is an Ex-SOLDIER and really if you want more in-depth things check out the Final Fantasy wikia or buy and play the game on ps1 or PC yourself and find out.Also, the name is Cloud Strife, with an r between t and i.

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