

Did people like the black death?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Nobody liked the Black Death, it was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history and killed millions of people.

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Q: Did people like the black death?
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Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

How did the people react to the Black Death?

They wiped themselves and tortured eachother.

What fraction of people were killed by the black death in Europe?

1 in 3 people were killied by the black death

What people thought the black death happened?

When Black Death spread. People thought it as anger of god.

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Are people suffring from black death?

no, as if now. No new case has been noted of black death.

How did people catch the Black Death back in the Middle agas?

People caught Black Death by the fleas transferring the virus to humans.

How did people after the first few deaths of the black death?

people did not realize Black Death at first. They thought it to be common incidents of fever.

When people had the Black Death what did people think it was?

Black Death was thought to be anger of god. Or conspiracy by Jews.

Why might humanism have appealed to people after the black death?

after Black Death people rebelled a lot. Humanism appealed them to maintain order.

The country tha has the most people that died?

Europe is the most people that died during the black death which has like 3 disuses

How do you think the black death changed lifestyles in europeans?

black death changed the ideology of people. It gave birth to many revolutions. Thus.