

Did the Jews have religion in the concentration camp?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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yes, although the practicing of it was outlawed, no matter what was done to their bodies, reigion could not be taken away from them

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Q: Did the Jews have religion in the concentration camp?
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Yes their is, if you look at related link it will show you how jews were captured and sent to the concentration camp, this also showed how jews were treated and how how the concentration camps worked. This concentration camp is Auschwitz II-Birkenau

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In a concentration camp it was overwork and undernourishment. But in a DEATHCAMP, which is different to a concentration camp, they used Zyclon-B gas or shooting to kill the Jews..

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a concentration camp is a place where Jews went to during world war 2. you can see them now but they are really shocking.