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The Plague of Boils is not recalled in ancient Egyptian myth.

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Q: Did the Plague of Boils in Exodus Represent any of the Egyptian god?
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Which of the ten plagues involved boils?

The 6th plague was the plague of boils.

What was the FIRST plague God sent to the Egyptians?

All the plagues were designed to discredit the pagan God's of Egypt.The first plague was the turning of the Nile into blood. This disgraced Egypt's Nile god 'Hapi', and destroyed the fish, some of which were worshiped and even mummified by the Egyptians. (Exodus 7:19-21)

Who was the Egyptian god of boils?


Why is it called the black plauge?

Because the bubonic plague (first to hit Britain) was when humans got boils, and the boils were BLACK. Because the Bubonic plague, (spread by fleas from infected rats), would cause the victim to receive boils, and blotches of skin that would turn black or blue. These are not boils but enlarged lymph nodes which became black (gangrenous).

What are the symloms for the black death?

Bubonic Plague:CoughingWheezingWeaknessBlack boils in groin and armpitSeptacemic Plague(As above, excluding boils)Coughing up blood

The nine plagues in order in which they were sent to Egypt?

There were ten plagues sent to Egypt, as listed in Exodus chapters 7 - 12.1. Blood - Aaron strikes the Nile River (Exodus 7:20) and it [and other contained water sources] turns to blood.2. Frogs - Aaron stretches his hand over the river (Exodus 8:2) and a plague of frogs descends upon Egypt. Some commentators make note of the inconsistency between the singular "frog" and the plural "frogs" in the biblical text.3. Gnats - Aaron strikes the dust of the earth (Exodus 8:13) and a plague of gnats descends upon Egypt.4. Flies - No action on Moses or Aaron's part is noted here. (Exodus 8:17-20)5. Cattle Disease - No action on Moses or Aaron's part is noted here. (Exodus 9:1-7)6. Boils - Moses throws dust in the air, resulting in skin boils and lesions among the Egyptians (Exodus 9:10)7. Hail - Moses stretches his hand to the sky, and hail (fiery hail?) began to fall. (Exodus 9:23)8. Locusts - Moses stretches his hand over the earth, and a plague of locusts begins (Exodus 10:13)9. Darkness - Moses stretches his hand toward heaven, and darkness begins (Exodus 10:22)10. Death of the Firstborn - Moses issues a warning to Pharaoh, but no action is noted in the timing of the plague's beginning.From plague 4-9, the residences of the Israelites were spared as a whole. But for the 10th plague, each Israelite household had to willingly set itself apart by marking their doorposts.

What were the ten plages of egypt?

The plagues can be found in Exodus chapters 7 - 12. The ten plagues were the following in this order: The Plague of Blood (the Nile changed to blood), The Plague of Frogs (a vast number of frogs came all over the land), The Plague of Gnats (gnats came on people and animals from the dust), The Plague of Flies (flies filled the houses of the Egyptians), The Plague of Livestock (all of the livestock belonging to the Egyptians died), The Plague of Boils (boils broke out on people and animals), The Plague of Hail (hail fell and lightening flashed throughout the land of Egypt and it was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation), The Plague of Locusts (locusts invaded Egypt and cover all the ground until it was black and they devoured what the hail had not destroyed), The Plague of Darkness (total darkness covered the land for three days), and finally, The Plague on the Firstborn (The firstborn in every house that did not put the blood of a lamb on the door frames died).

What was the effect of the sixth plague of Egypt?

Boils(a deep a big pimple.)

What area of the body was affected from the bubonic plague?

Mostly the groin, 75% of all boils were found there

What are buboes?

they are the boils you would get if you had the plague

What did medieval doctors do to treat pneumonic plague?

They tried to treat the plague by cutting open the skin and letting the blood leak out. They thought that the blood was the reason for the black boils on the skin.

What were the bumps you got from the plague called?

(Puss filled) Boils...i think.Another answer: The swelling under people's arms were called Buboes, which is why the disease was called the Bubonic Plague.