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A default constructor is one where no arguments are declared or required. Thus if all arguments have defaults then it is still a default constructor, but one that can also serve as an overloaded constructor.

Consider the following which has two constructors, one with no arguments (the default) and one with two arguments (an overloaded constructor):

struct A


A () : x (42), y (3.14) {}

A (const int a, const double b) : x (a), y (b) {} int x;

double y;

// ...


We can invoke these two constructors as follows:

A a; // invokes default constructor (a.x is 42, a.y is 3.14).

A b (0, 1.0); // invokes overloaded constructor (b.x is 0, b.y is 1.0).

Since both constructors are essentially doing the same thing, they can be combined into a single constructor -- we simply make the 'magic numbers' the default values of the overloaded constructor:

struct A


A (const int a=42, const double b=3.14): x (a), y (b) {}

int x;

double y;

// ...


A a; // a.x is 42, a.y is 3.14.

A b (0, 1.0); // b.x is 0, b.y is 1.0.

As far as the calling code is concerned, nothing has changed, but the class declaration is simplified by removing a redundant constructor.

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12y ago

In function overloading, for different tasks there should be different blocks of codes with the same name to perform different tasks, while default arguments has only one block of code and perform only one task.

Function overloading take different types & numbers of argument to perform different tasks, But default arguments perform only one task which has been declared or written for it without weather its called with exact number of parameters called with less number of parameters. but it will perform the same task.

Function overloading take the exact number of parameters to work, But default arguments can take exact number of parameter or less number of parameters or even no parameters. it will assign the default values to the parameters and perform the task.

Hope it will help you,

Please correct if there was mistake.

RAMIN SADAT, South Asian University (MSC)

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What are the similarities between constructor overloading and function overloading?

The only similarity is that both constructor and function overloads are distinguished by their signature -- the number and type of their arguments. Functions differ in that they also have a return type, which is also part of the signature, whereas constructors have no return type, not even void.

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The strcmpi() function is identical to stricmp() function.

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What is the difference between function prototyping and function overloading?

Function prototypes determine the return type, the name of the function, the argument types expected by the function, and the arity of the function. Function prototyping is used to separate interface from implementation. In C++ all functions must be declared before they are called, thus we use prototypes to provide forward declarations for those functions that have yet to be defined/implemented. We can also use forward declarations for incomplete types such as template functions and classes, however the definition/implementation must be visible to compiler before the function or class is used. In these cases the definitions are typically placed in the same header as the declarations. It is important to note that a definition is also a declaration, and therefore both are also prototypes. The only real difference is that prototypes do not require names for the formal arguments. Even if you provide argument names in your prototypes, they will be ignored by the compiler. The argument names within the definition are the only names of any relevance. Function overloading is where two or more functions share the same name within the same namespace, but have different signatures. The signature of a function is essentially the same as its prototype but excludes the return type, thus overloads cannot differ by return type alone. The compiler uses the function signature to differentiate between your overloads. All function signatures within a namespace must be unambiguous, thus you cannot have two functions with the same name and arguments that are co-variant. For example, the following overloads are invalid because a size_t type is co-variant with unsigned int type, thus the compiler cannot differentiate them. unsigned int max(unsigned int, unsigned int); size_t max(size_t, size_t);

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