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Neither has any known exceptions. You do have to account for the equivalence of mass and energy though to keep the 1st law consistent, i.e. E=mc² when it comes to nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

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11y ago

There are no known exceptions to the first and second laws. That is why they are termed "laws"; in science, a hypothesis that had been tested and found to accurately produce the expected results every time and for which no exeptions have been found eventually rises to the status of "Law".

There are, of course, examples where a law has been incorrectly or too narrowly applied and thus appears to produce an exception. As an example, we have Einstein's equation that E=mc2. If we fail to take that into account, the process of nuclear fusion could appear to contradict the first law. When we include that information, however, we find that the first law remains valid.

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14y ago

None. The laws of thermodynamics describe physical phenomena. The first one is the same as "if you put a pan on a hot stove, it will get warmer." Such laws of physics simply describe reality.

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9y ago

There are hypothetical processes that would obey the First Law, but disobey the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

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