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Yes, both.

Ring structures are called cyclic compounds and can be aromatic or aliphatic, there are a wide variety of cyclic compounds that can be made/found, such as furan and pyridine (both heterocycles). Functional groups such as OH can also be attached to a cyclic ring.

"Chains" are aliphatic and are termed acyclic

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Some carbon compounds do form rings and chains, but many of the simpler ones do not.

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Q: Do Carbon compounds form rings or long chains?
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Carbon atoms can form single, double, and triple bonds with each other, and they can form chains, branched chains, and rings. Carbon compounds also have hydrogen atoms as part of their structure, as well as other elements.

What shapes do hydrocarbons NOT form?

Carbon atoms can form straight chains, branched chains, and rings. They do NOT form geodesic domes.

Does silicon form compounds made of long chains of atoms?

no but carbon does

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Carbon atoms can bond together to form single, double, and triple bonds, long chains, branched chains, and rings, which enables carbon to form so many different compounds with hydrogen, oxygen, and other atoms like phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur.

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Catenation is a unique property of carbon to link with other carbon atoms to form rings or chains with the help of covalent bonds. Catenation is the reason for the presence of a large number of organic compounds in nature.

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What are three characteristics of carbon that contribute to the diversity of organic compounds?

Carbon can bond with other carbon atoms making long carbon chains. Carbon can form strong pi-bonds allowing for double and triple bonds between carbon atoms as well, and the carbon-carbon pi-bonds can be delocalized for additional stability in rings.

True or false Carbon atoms can bond together in straight chains?

Yes. Carbon atoms form to create certain types of chains. Straight Carbon Chains, Branched Carbon Chains, and Carbon Rings. Carbon can form single, double or triple bonds. You're welcome

Can Carbon form chains?

The fact that carbon can bond with other carbon atoms covalently is why it can form so many compounds. This ability is limitless.

Living things are made up of very complicated molecules Why is carbon important for forming these complicated molecules?

It forms very strong bonds.

Why carbon can form many different compounds?

Carbon is quite a special element. It can form 2 double bonds, and is able to form long chains with itself, C-C bonds are also strong. This makes it ideal as the basis of living organisms.

What is the role played by Carbon?

The thing about carbon is that it can form all kinds of carbon-carbon chains; this allows lots of interesting compounds, especially proteins, and a solution of proteins in water is fundamental to all life (as we know it).