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Some do, or, if they're sexually masochistic, they just pretend to for their partner. For some people masochism isn't related to being sexual at all (though for most it is). In daily life I find pleasure in the challenge of pain. The sensation itself still hurts, of course; it's not like we don't feel it. If something's too painful, we'll say 'ouch' just like any other person. Despite that, yeah, some people do actually enjoy the sensation of pain. I admit it is quite invigorating. And it's surprising how much a masochist can get to know themselves where other people can't. ;)

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Q: Do Masochists actually like pain
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What are people who like pain called?

They are called masochists.

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Such people are called as masochists. They like to get the pain.

What is the name for people who like to see other things suffer?

on themselves= masochists, on others= sadomasochists

Why do you like pain during sex?

People who enjoy pain during sex are called "masochists," after Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, who wrote several novels about this. (People who enjoy inflicting pain on others are called "Sadists.") There are at least two theories about why some people enjoy pain during sex. Some people think that it allows the masochist to eliminate guilt by being punished while having sex. Some people think that masochists "get high" from the endorphins the body releases when it's in pain.

What is the difference between masochism and sadomasochism?

Sadism is the condition of enjoying causing pain in others. Masochism is the condition of enjoying having pain inflicted. Sadomasochism is the condition of a relationship between Sadists and Masochists. One person who enjoys inflicting pain, another who enjoys receiving pain.

Are self harmers masochists or sadists?

No, that's a sadomasochist.

what is a pain?

If you're the one in pain, you are what's called a masochist. There are several theories about this. * In the normal human body, pain triggers the release of endorphins -- natural opiates -- that help you to manage the pain. If you've ever stubbed your toe, you've probably noticed this. According to one theory, masochists are "hooked" on their own endorphins. * The pain is associated with childhood experiences of being physically punished and then forgiven. * The ability to endure the pain is proof of masculinity. Truth is, there are probably as many explanations as there are masochists. If you enjoy inflicting pain on others, you are what's called a sadist. Again, there are probably as many explanations for sadism as there are sadists. There are responsible ways to play with pain fetishes. Obviously, the most important issue is consent. You have to be able to trust each other. Both you and your playmate have to be able to say "no". And both of you have to be able to listen and stop the game.

What does the phrase agony of pleasurable suffering mean?

It's called an oxymoron, and could be talking about two things. Sometimes our sensations of pleasure can be so intense that they are hard to distinguish from those of pain. Alternatively some people, called masochists, get sexual pleasure from having pain inflicted on them.

Can you take pain killers and smoke weed?

I do. I actually don't like to take pain killers without smoking weed.

What is a pain fetish?

If you're the one in pain, you are what's called a masochist. There are several theories about this. * In the normal human body, pain triggers the release of endorphins -- natural opiates -- that help you to manage the pain. If you've ever stubbed your toe, you've probably noticed this. According to one theory, masochists are "hooked" on their own endorphins. * The pain is associated with childhood experiences of being physically punished and then forgiven. * The ability to endure the pain is proof of masculinity. Truth is, there are probably as many explanations as there are masochists. If you enjoy inflicting pain on others, you are what's called a sadist. Again, there are probably as many explanations for sadism as there are sadists. There are responsible ways to play with pain fetishes. Obviously, the most important issue is consent. You have to be able to trust each other. Both you and your playmate have to be able to say "no". And both of you have to be able to listen and stop the game.

What does s and stand for?

S&M is short for sadism and masochism, a practice involving the inflicting or receiving of pain. Also called sadomasochism. Sadists enjoy inflicting pain. Masochists enjoy receiving pain. This is a type of behaviour often displayed before sex acts but at the same time need not involve sex or sexual acts.

What does S and M stand for?

S&M is short for sadism and masochism, a practice involving the inflicting or receiving of pain. Also called sadomasochism. Sadists enjoy inflicting pain. Masochists enjoy receiving pain. This is a type of behaviour often displayed before sex acts but at the same time need not involve sex or sexual acts.