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Sure, especially if they do it sincerely with devoted hearts and minds.

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Q: Do Muslims feel closer to God when they pray five times a day in Islam?
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How do the people of Islam feel about leaders of Judaism and Christianity?

Muslims feel respect and kindness about other religion leaders. Refer to question below.

How do Muslims feel when they pray?

I don't know about anyone else, but I feel a sense of connectedness with God (Allah) and a sense of peace. Five times a day I stop for a few moments and think about Allah and Islam and how lucky I am to have found Islam. It's my private time to praise Allah and thank him. They feel like they are one with god and that nothing else matters in the world, just themselves and Allah.

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Is Islam all about terrirsem?

No, most Muslims believe in peace and harmony, however, a select group of radicals feel the need to carry out terrorist acts.

How should Muslims deal with the misconceptions non-Muslims possess about Islam?

In order to convey the message of Islam, dialogue and debate become inevitable. The Glorious Qur'an says:"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord, with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious!"[Al-Qur'an 16:125]In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convincedabout the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered.They may agree with your contentions about the positive nature of Islam. But, in the same breath, they will say - "Ah! But you are the same Muslims who marry more than one woman. You are the same people who subjugate women by keeping them behind the veil. You are fundamentalists, etc."Whenever you ask a non-Muslim, "what do you feel is wrong in Islam? Sometimes there maybe circumstances where one may have to face some criticism, so he must patiently encounter such a scenario and try to resolve the matter with utmost grace and wisdom. If possible one should personally prefer asking the non-Muslims upfront, with their limited knowledge, whether right or wrong, from whichever source it may be, what they feel is wrong in Islam. It is highly encouraged in the religion to be very frank with them and open and nicely try and convince them towards the truth.Insha'Allah he will be successful, if not in convincing non-Muslims about the complete truth of Islam, then at least in removing misconceptions and neutralizing the negative thinking about Islam and Muslims that the non-Muslims may have.

Why are more Muslims leaving Islam every year?

Because its a religion which does not believe in modernity , science , women rights , liberty , justice. People kind of feel ashamed of it.

Why do Muslims believe in god?

Thy believe in god because many things this world couldn't created by nothingness and they saw that Quraan ( the Muslims holy book ) say that and u can feel that also when u try to listen to it

What kind of happiness do Muslims have?

Muslims feel happiness in following the right path of Allah (or God in English and same God in Christianity and Judaism) and the Islam teachings and morals per Quran (Muslims holy book) and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). true Muslims feel always happy and content. If they are in a hardship, they are patient and pray Allah to relieve them of this hardship. If they are blessed with something good, they thank Allah for this blessing. Refer to related questions below.

How do Muslims feel about the prophets from the other religions such as Christianity and Judaism?

One of the main Islam faith articles is to believe in all God prophets and all God holy Books. The five greatest prophet in Islam religion are; as mentioned in Muslims holy book Quran and by prophet Muhammad; the prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them all).

Do you believe that Islam is better than other religions and if so why?

Islam has one of the highest, if not the highest, conversion rates in the world. People choose Islam for different reasons. Many Christians who convert, for example, feel the concept of the Trinity is flawed, and find that Islam makes more sense to them. Atheists who convert may feel that there is a God and that Islam portrays Him best. There is no single reason why converts like Islam more than the others. Muslims born and raised into the religion may find that, after studying different religions, they like Islam more for the same reasons converts choose Islam; the simple monotheism, the respect for others and oneself, the sacredness of life, etc. That said, while Muslims believe that Islam is the most correct religion, Muslims still respect non-Muslims as people and as fellow children of Adam. Muslims may not agree with all of the beliefs of another person, but they respect that person and his/her entitlement to his/her beliefs; God says in the Quran that there is no compulsion in religion. After all, even two very different people can find something they can agree on. We all make our own choices, and we all should try to make the best decisions for our lives. Be they Christian, Hindu, agnostic, Jewish, etc., people always try to make the best decisions for themselves; Muslims are just people too. Hope this helps. Peace, shalom, salaam.

What days do Islam Muslims attend the Islam temple?

Well, it is not called "Islam temple" in the first place; it is called "Mosque" and they go every day but Friday EDIT: It is called "Masjeed", or "Mosque" in English. Muslims attend prayers five times a day, everyday, PREFERABLY at the Masjeed, except Friday noon when it is COMPULSORY to be done in congregation at the Masjeed