

Do cats eat cat food

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, cats eat cat food and for the most part seem to enjoy it. My cat will tear into a new bag of fresh cat food when I bring it home.

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Q: Do cats eat cat food
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What dosn cats eat?

Cats eat dry cat food and canned cat food. This is what is bought from pet stores. Cats in the wild however have to hunt for their food.

What do tame cats eat?

Tame cats usually eat cat food.

What foods do cats eat besides cat food?

Cats eat lot's of food including dry cat food, wet cat food, mice, catnip and lot's more. They often eat their pray and meat such as chicken.

What is cat food?

Cat food is food that a cat will eat and is either hard, or soft. Lots of cats love it.

What eat cats?

Cats eat stuff like dry cat food. You can find that almost anywhere. They also eat caned cat food (that's wet and slimy, most cats perfer both).

What kind of foods does most cats eat?

Cats eat cat food from the pet store.

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Cat food!!!! Tortoiseshell cats eat just the same as all other cats.

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They eat cat food like regular cats do.

What cat foods?

Cat food is food that a cat will eat and is either hard, or soft. Lots of cats love it.