

Do cheetahs sleep

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11y ago

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Yes, in the night.

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Q: Do cheetahs sleep
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Does a cheetah sleep?

Yes, cheetahs do sleep.

How does a cheetahs sleep?

Cheetahs sleep for about 12-13 hours wow that's alot of sleep.!

What do cheetahs do right after they eat?

they sleep

Do cheetahs sleep all winter?


How often do cheetahs go to sleep?

they sleep all day and night and only awake when need be e.g if they are hungry or they are moving territory

What time do cheetahs wake up?

they sleep in the morning and wake up in the night

Where will cheetahs sleep?

Usually in protected covered areas that block sunlight in the day

How long do Cheetah sleep?

Cheetahs sleep for about 12-13 hours at night and may take naps during the heat of the day.

In what habitats do cheetahs sleep?

OutsideIn trees or deep in shrub mainly by trees for shelter/protection

Do cheetahs live under rocks and on trees?

Cheetahs usually sleep in scrub brush or lay hidden in tall grass

How do Cheetah sleep?

Cheetahs sleep usually like other wildcats. they climb up in a tree and lie - legs dangling down - on a tree branch with their eyes closed

What kind of things do cheetahs do?

They sleep, eat, hunt, be solitary together, protect their young and create offspring aka intercourse