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Some people ask this because anal sex is associated with gay men and when you defecate in comes out of the anus. This is the male equivalent of the question women get, "Do tampons fulfill you sexually?" or other variants. Defecation is rarely considered a sexual act, for most people it is just something that comes with being alive and unless they have some gastro-intestinal issue it is not very memorable. For a few people defecation and its related waste products are very sexual and some of them may orgasm when they defecate. But, that is more about personal fetish than gender or sexual orientation. And for the record, no tampons are not like little absorbant dildoes. They are a small hassle, but many women prefer them for the convience, comfort and cleanliness they provide. Sexual orientation has little to do with it. A male of ANY age may get an erection when having a bowel movement. Usually, it happens when the BM is large and firm. It passes by the prostate gland, which is an area of arousal. Many boys and men even get a slight erection when a doctor performs a rectal exam (they insert their finger and feel for abnormalities.) Poor kids are mortified, especially if their doctor is female. ANY stimulation to the rectum can cause erection, it has nothing to do with who or where. Things "pop up" at the most inopportune times. Such is life!!!

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Q: Do gay men get aroused when they defecate?
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A homosexual is a person whose sexual fantasies and experiences are exclusively or almost exclusively with others of the same sex. If looking "at other men sexually" means you are aroused by them, and if you don't have similar feelings about women, you are probably gay.

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Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

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Just noticing another guy's buttocks doesn't mean that you are a gay man. It is just the human body. The human body is neutral and only has whatever meaning you attach to it. Now, if you find yourself compelled to look at men's buttocks, and you get aroused inside, and you find yourself wanting to have sex with these men, then that could indicate that you are gay or bisexual.

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Lack of feelings of arousal don't mean you are gay. They could be brought on by many things, mainly stress. If you find yourself sexually attracted to other men, they you are gay. But if not, the best thing to do is to see your doctor.

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both are true. it varies from one person to another. -samishiyoru

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