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Q: Do hedgehog stay with one mate for life?
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Do armadillos stay with one mate for life?

No, once the female is bred, the male has nothing further to do with her. They do not mate for life.

Do herons mate for life?

Great Blue herons can mate for life but it is not common. They usually stay with the same mate for one season and then move on to another the next.

Do swallows mate with the same swallow each year?

Swallows are one species of animals that mate for life. They choose a mate and then stay with them throughout their lives.

Does the glass frog stay with it's mate for life?

No. The male can have many mates, not just one.

Do meerkats mate for life?

Meerkats do not usually mate for life. The alpha male and alpha female of a group mate, and stay together as long as they can. However, for various reasons the one or the other is not always able to be the alpha, or one may die, leaving the mate to find someone else.

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monkeys do not get married but stay with there mate for life well until the other one dies anyway

What is it CALLED when you have one mate for life?

Monogamy is what having only one mate for life is called.

Do wild foxes have more than one mate in their lifetime?

Most species of canines, such as dogs and wolves, take more than one mate. However, foxes, despite being social animals, only have one mate for their entire lifetime.

When a lion mates a lioness do they stay together?

generally the lioness has one mate for life, while the lion has many mates at once.

Does a penguin stay with one mate for life?

It mainly depends on the penguin species, some penguins like Yellow-Eyeds do but Emperors don't.

Are geese monogamous?

Geese will choose a mate when they are about three years old and will stay monogamous for life, raising new families together each year. If one mate dies, the other mate will sometimes wait several years before choosing a new partner or might even stay single.

Do loons mate for life?

Recent research shows that they DO NOT mate for life. Previously it was believed that they do mate for life, but if one was killed, the other would seek another mate. For more information, visit the Related Link.