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Q: Do your ears have muscles
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How many muscles do horses have in their ears?

there are about 12

The auricularis muscles are used to move the?


How do rabbits know how to individually move their ears?

Instinct, they have special muscles that move the ears.

What muscle moves the ear?

You can't move the ears so there is no muscles that can move the ears.

How many muscles in a human ear?

There are 3 muscles in the human ear. Interestingly cats, although small has 32 muscles in their ears.

How many muscles that allow mobility are there in a horse's ear?

There are 16 pairs of muscles in the horses ears that allow mobility.

How do pigs move their ears and tails?

There are small muscles and sinews that connects to ears and tail which allows them to move when the pig wants to.

Which muscles in the body are affeted first when drinking?

The one between the ears.

What equipment do weight lifters use?

Cotton Buds in ears so that their ears don't burst. Steroids for there muscles, and cheese because they can.

How many mucsels do a cat have in his ear?

Cats have 32 muscles in each of their ears.

How many muscles are in a dog's ear?

Dogs have 30 sets of muscles in there ears humans have six and cats have 32

Are there muscles in the ear?

In those animals with mobile ears, they are used to point the external ear in the direction of the sound. In animals with fixed ears (humans, some apes, some bats) who sound locate by phase delay, those muscles are inhibited from moving to prevent confusion in locating sound. (Yes, some people can wiggle their ears. Call it a throw-back.)