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Yes and No. Boys and Girls have differnet growth patterns and Grpwth spurts.. and in my personal experience I would say boys eat more between borth and 6months than girls do.. and generally always will because they are boys! Factor in your height and the fathers.. If you are expecting your child to be tall, yes it will eat more. If you are chubby, yes your child will eat more. A baby is its own person and will eat a its own rate, sometimes always eating alot, and sometimes going through spurts of pigging out and not. Some things are hereditary, so make sure you are thinking about how you and your spouse were at your child's age. Also if your child is very active, It will tend to eat more. Just make sure you are not over feeding, feeding every time baby cries. Sometimes baby needs something else, or is trying to tell you something.. but will think "ooh a bottle!" and will be satisfied. But top answer your question.. I belive yes boys eat more.

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