

Do koalas have hunting instincts

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Koalas are herbivorous, they do not need hunting instincts.

The Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is a marsupial mammal and is indigenous to Australia. Their closest relative is the wombat.

They live in eucalyptus trees and eat only a few types of gum leaves from which they get all nutrients and water requirements. Eucalyptus leaves are tough, toxic and low in nutrition, but the koala has developed a stomach which is capable of removing the toxins from where they are filtered out by the liver. The caecum completes the process by changing the eucalyptus leaves into digestible nutrients. The caecum is similar to the human appendix.

The koala must eat over a kilogram of leaves per day to meet its energy requirements. Eucalyptus leaves contain approximately 50% water, 18% fibre, 13% tannins, 8% fat, 5% carbohydrates, 4% protein and 2% minerals. Koalas have been seen feeding in 120 kinds of eucalypt tree including Manna Gum, Swamp Gum, Blue Gum, Forest Red Gum and Grey Gum.

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There is no problem concerning koalas and the hunting of their fur. Koalas are protected by law, and have been since the mid twentieth century. It is true that koalas used to be hunted for their fur, as demand for their pelts was high in both the USA and the UK. This was finally recognised as a problem during the 1920s, and the practice was banned.

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Koalas do not hunt, as they are herbivorous, not carnivorous. Therefore, they have no hunting rituals. Koalas feed by climbing certain species of eucalyptus trees which are their favoured types. They reach out to grab leaves (and occasionally, eucalyptus blossoms) with their paws, which have opposable thumbs and enable them to grip their food.

Why do koalas die from domestic dogs?

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