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it has nothing to do with population, but they happen very often in highly populated places such as Japan and San Fransico

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Q: Do most earthquakes occur in populated area?
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Do most earthquakes happen in populated areas?

no because most occur in the water

Where earthquakes have hit the most?

Earthquakes occur most in the Indonesian area.

Do most earthquakes occur on fault lines?

Most earthquakes do occur on fault lines.

Where do earthquakes occur most geographically?

Along the "Ring of Fire," an area in the Pacific Ocean.

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The greater Montreal area is the most populated

Do earthquakes occur as earth's plates collide?

Yes that is generally where most earthquakes occur

Where do the worlds earthquakes occur around?

Most earthquakes occur where the edges of Earth's plates are.

Where are earthquakes formed the most?

most earthquakes occur in the Pacific Ring of Fire. edit: I believe the answer you're looking for is that most earthquakes occur on the boundaries of tectonic plates.

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where does earthquakes most occur

What state do most earthquakes occur in?

Alaska is the most prone to earthquakes in the US.

Where on earth do earthquakes occur?

Most earthquakes occur at or near the boundaries between tectonic plates.

Do most earthquakes occur under the ocean floor or on land?

More Earthquakes occur on land.