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Q: Do muscles contract using contractile proteins to produce movement?
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Why muscles are able to contract and relax to bring movements?

Muscles contain certain proteins called contractile proteins which enable it to contract and relax to bring about movements.

Contractile proteins are found in what?


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muscle contain special proteins called contractile proteins, they contract and relax to cause movement. Muscles are generally of two types (1) voluntary muscle and (2) involuntary muscle.

What term identifies proteins that allows muscles to shorten or lengthen?

Contractile proteins is the term that identifies the proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen.

How does muscle work by shortening or lengthening?

Muscles are comprised of contractile proteins; therefore, the ability to contract is present in their chemical composition.

Contractile and non-contractile heart muscles?

The non-contractile element are skeletal muscles that don't contract such as Epimysium,Perimysium and, Endomysium. Contractile muscle contract as a whole muscle instead of single bundles of muscle fibers

What can Contractile proteins are found in?

Contractile proteins are found in what?

Are the two contractile proteins in muscles myosin and actin?

Yes the contractile proteins generate force during contraction and are actin and myosin

What identifies proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen?

Contractile proteins is the term that identifies the proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen.

What are muscles in the human body?

Muscles are a type of tissue containing contractile proteins, known as actin and myosin, which are able to pull on bones to create movement by contracting.

What features do all muscle cells have?

Muscle cells have several different features that they all share. First off, they all have DNA. Secondly, they are all myofilaments.

What proteins help contraction of skeletal muscles?

Actin and myosin cause muscles to contract.