

Do orcas live in the Antarctic waters?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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yes they do,orca whales eat penguins and penguins live in the Antarctic.

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Q: Do orcas live in the Antarctic waters?
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Where do orcas live in Antarctica?

Orcas do not live in Antarctica. Antarctica is a continent and orcas are marine animals. Orcas swim in the Southern Oceans that surround the Antarctic continent.

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no orcas live in deep ocean waters while manatees live in freshwater oceans and tropical rivers

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no orcas live in deep ocean waters while manatees live in freshwater oceans and tropical rivers

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What are orcas habitat like?

Orcas live in the icy waters around Alaska and other areas around the Arctic Circle. The waters are very cold and are filled with chunks of ice and meager vegetation.

Do orcas migerate?

Well, yes. Orcas have a thick layer of blubber (body fat) under their skin. But, when it is time to have young, orcas will have to leave their summer, cold water feeding grounds to go to warmer waters, where they live off of their blubber, and have young, because little ones have blubber layers that are too thin to survive in the Arctic or Antarctic feeding grounds.

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Orcas pass through Jamaican waters yearly.

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Killer Whales can be found in all the oceans of the world, which includes the Antarctic Waters..

Do whales live in the Antarctic?

Yes, both squid and octopus are Antarctic sea invertebrates. British exploratory fishing is currently underway for the commercially exploitable squid which live in Antarctic waters. The Colossal Squid provides a food source for Antarctic whales.