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Raccoons generally do not travel in packs. A mother will travel with her offspring to teach them how to forage for food.

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Q: Why do raccoons travel in packs?
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Do raccoons travel in packs?

Raccoons travel in family groups of 4-6. It is uncommon to see groups of adult raccoons, however. If you are in a rural area it is very likely that if you see a raccoon it is with many raccoons usually traveling to a new destination not necessarily scavenging for food. When I go hunting i would say its 60/40 60 percent of the time i find raccoon's in group +4 and 40 percent of the time by themselves, but it is different in all situations.

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Raccoons do not form packs. However, mother raccoons and her young will stay together and may form a loose knit group with other female raccoons and their young. Such a group is called a gaze.

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What are raccoon packs called when they're adults?

Raccoons do not have 'packs' per se as do wolves. They have loosely knit communities of related females and their young called a gaze.

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