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We know that sound is a mechanical wave and as such, it transfers energy into the medium through which it travels as a means to propagate itself. Without a medium through which to progagate, a mechanical wave cannot move.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Yes, no sounds in absolute vacuum.
A vacuum is the most efficient sound insulator. There is nothing to compress to transmit the sonic energy. So those Science Fiction movies with explosions with loud sounds in space and whizzing "tie fighters" ... nope... couldn't happen. In space no one can hear you scream

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15y ago

Sound waves work by passing vibrations from molecule to molecule. If there is no medium (a vacuum, which has nothing in it at all), then there are no molecules to pass these vibrations on to. For example, in air, which we know that sound waves pass through, the vibrations are travelling by being passed on by the gas molecule. We hear the sound by the molecules vibrating our ear drums, and our brain interpreting this into sounds.

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13y ago

Sound waves are vibrations through a medium, such as air or water. The energy travels from the vibrating source and vibrates molecules in the medium, which push others sending a wave through the medium. Without a medium, there's nothing to vibrate and sound cannot travel.

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13y ago

Sound waves need a medium to propagate.

Light-waves and other electromagnetic wave (radio, xray) do not.

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13y ago

Sound travels as a series of waves of pressure. Without a medium there is nothing to store and move the pressure waves along.

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11y ago

Because sound is an mechanical wave and all the mechanical waves needs a medium to travel through. sound waves is produced by vibration of particles and it transfers sound to another part.

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11y ago

With out a medium sound could not travel and we will not hear any sound then

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11y ago

Yes. Sound is a mechanical wave. That means that there must be some material

vibrating. Sound doesn't travel at all through vacuum, where there's no physical


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Q: Why do sound needs a material medium for their propagation?
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Why can't a sound wave travel through a vacuum?

It needs a material medium for propagation

Why sound need medium while it propagation?

Because sound waves are mechanical vibrations of material matter. You can't have sound waves in a space where there's no material to vibrate.

Why are sound waves longdatudinal waves?

These waves cannot pass through free space. They needs a material medium essentially for their propagation. So they are called longitudinal waves (in air).

Why do sound wave require a medium to travel?

Sound waves are mechanical waves and all mechanical waves require a material medium for its propagation unlike electromagnectic waves

What do you mean by propagation of sound?

Propagation of sound in a medium (like the atmosphere) is the collision between the medium particles driven by a vibrating object

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For propagation of sound only a material medium is enough and not light. So it could travel thorugh darkness

Do air particles travel with sound sound waves?

since sound needs a medium for its propagation , it requires air particles to travel along with its waves.

What type of a mechanical wave needs energy to produce it?

all wave are produced by a source but mechanical waves requires material medium to propagate it e.g is sound wave which is a mechanical wave needs material medium for it's propagation i.e material medium like air molecule,sound travels by vibration of air molecule that's why sound can't travel in a vacuum.....

What determines the velocity of sound wave?

Sound waves are longitudinal waves in air. Velocity of sound waves in air at NTP = 332 m/s. Sound waves cannot pass through free space they essentially needs material medium for their propagation.

Why sound of explosion are not heard by us which occur on sun?

Sound is a mechanincal vibration which badly needs a material medium. But there is no material medium in between sun and earth

Which can sound NOT travel through?

Vacuum as sound needs badly a material medium to get it propagated.

Where does sound not propagate?

sound needs a material medium to travel. Sound can travel by compression and rarefactions.attma