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Yes they do, all teeth have a second set of teeth

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Q: Do top molars have a second set of teeth?
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Do top molars have second set of teeth?

Yes they do, all teeth have a second set of teeth

Where are molars in your mouth?

The last bottom and top teeth in your mouth are your molars

Will premolar teeth fall out?

No, they do not fall out like the original baby teeth. As the jaw grows, these molars and another set (Wisdom teeth) grow in. They are usually the first teeth to get cavities since they have deep ridges.

How many premolars are there in a full set of permanent teeth?

there are 8 molars. 4 on top 4 on bottom

What is the dental familiarities of goat and sheep?

They both only have top molars, a full set of bottom teeth and you are able to tell the age by the teeth.

How many Teeth in an a adult set?

there are about 42 teeth in a full adult set unless they lose some. There are 20 teeth in the top jaw, (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars, and four molars), and 22 in the lower jaw, (six incisors, two canine, eight premolars, and six molars).

Names of all the teeth in your mouth?

There is a 4 Incisors at the top of your teeth and six at the bottom to cut food, 2 Canines at the top none at bottom to tear food, 4 pre-molars at top and 4 at bottom to (don`t know) food, 3 molars at top and 3 at bottom to chew food, and 1 wisdom tooth at top and 1 at bottom which grow when you are older.

What are cow teeth called?

They are flat molars, similar to that of a human's. Cows have molars both on the top and bottom jaws. Do not confuse incisors with molars, because it's the incisors (the front teeth) that cows and other ruminants lack that make people say they have "no upper teeth."

What are the names of all the teeth in your mouth?

Incisors * Maxillary central incisor * Maxillary lateral incisor * Mandibular central incisor * Mandibular lateral incisor Canines * Maxillary canine * Mandibular canine Premolars * Maxillary first premolar * Maxillary second premolar * Mandibular first premolar * Mandibular second premolar Molars * Maxillary first molar * Maxillary second molar * Maxillary third molar * Mandibular first molar * Mandibular second molar * Mandibular third molar

How many molars do people have?

If you are an adult and still have your wisdom teeth, the you have 12 molars. If your wisdom teeth have been removed, you have 8 molars, unless on or more of them have been removed in the corse of your life.

How many teeth do cow's have?

cows have 32 teeth!!!8 incisors on the bottom front6 molars on the top and bottom of each side

How many molars does a carnivore have?

The number is variable according to species and whether the animal is a true carnivore or omnivore.