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Yes you can 83% of people who get stung in the eye goes blind

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11y ago
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14y ago

That's an old wives' tale. A sting in the eye would be serious and would need medical treatment, but you wouldn't die from it.

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Q: Do you become blind when a bee stings you in the eye?
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Can you go blind if a wasp stings you in the eye?

You would not go blind but you would most likely need a surgery to get the stinger out and to prevent or get rid of any infection that the wasp could have given you due to the sting.

Can someone blind in one eye become a doctor or a dentist?

Yes. I am.

What happen when light strikes the eye?

Like a flashlight? It stings for like a second and then for about 2-6 seconds there are little fragments of light in your vision. Same thing happens if you star at the sun. If you stare at the sun or a flashlight turned on to long you could become blind.

Can you have a operation on your eyes to make you become blind?

stick a needle through your eye.

What is the correct prepositions blind in one eye or blind of one eye?

a man is blind _ one eye.

How did Gordon brown become blind?

He isn't blind - he has sight in one eye. The other one was damaged playing sport at school.

What happen's if deodorant touches your eye?

It stings.

What would cause a dog's eye to become swollen and inflamed?

it could be from a bee sting or a bug bite

How many people become blind during chemistry when they are not wearing eye protection?

In estimate of about 20 people a year. It Is smart to wear eye protection even though it is very rare to go blind