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No. Japan had dreams of expansion and the US was standing in the way. There were negotiations going on in Washington, but nothing ame of them.

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Q: Do you believe the US provoked Japan into the attack on Pearl Harbor?
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What are facts about the attack of Pearl Harbor?

I believe an officer at a communications center at pearl harbor actually got data that it was about to be bombed but dismissed it as a fake. Also a conspiracy is that F.D.R actually planned and provoked Japan to attack so he had reason to join the war. I dont believe it but judge for yourself, google it.

Why did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect America and how did it get so out of control and how did it start in the first place?

The Japanese attacked America by aerially assualting pearl harbor the reason is i believe Germany put pressure on japan forcing japan to attack pearl harbor

Why did Japan launch an attack on U.S. naval forces at Pearl Harbor?

i believe they wanted to get back at America for something

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Germany didn't attack pearl harbor dumb***, that was japan

Who lead japan during the attack at Pearl Harbor?

Commander Mitsuo Fuchida led Japan's army to attack the United States at Pearl Harbor.

What provoked the US to declare war on Germany?

Pearl Harbor was the main reason the US joined the war. They declared war on Germany and Japan because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and Germany was Japan's ally.

Where in Pearl Harbor did Japan attack?

The Whole Harbor, on December 7th, 1941