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The couple will need to supply the required documents as to identity, proof of age, SSN, and so forth.

The application for license should be made at least a month in advance of the planned wedding date.

The state licensing clerk in the county of application reserves the right to refuse any applicant(s).

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Q: Do you have to be a resident of Colorado to get married?
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Fro the shops, yes.

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No. There are plenty of other places you could be a resident and still get married at 16.

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You file divorce in the state in which you are a resident, regardless of where you were married. So if you are resident of TX, that's where you file for divorce.

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No, you can be married in whichever state you want.

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Florida has almost 19 miillion resident compared to 5 million for Colorado.

Can i get a Colorado permit if i don't live there?

Not without being a resident of the state, and, to be honest, you wouldn't want it anyhow - get pulled over in any other state with Colorado plates and/or a Colorado license, and they're going to come up with an excuse to search your car, thinking you have weed in there.

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If I have a drivers license in Massachusetts and I go to Colorado for college can I get my motorcycle license in Colorado?

If your Massachusetts license allows you to operate a motorcycle, you should not need to get a Colorado license because you are only a temporary resident.

You were married in California and now live in Colorado and want divorce?

File for divorce in Colorado.