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no not really , but that depends on the individual , my son cant have food that touches each other on the plate , some children have to have certain foods on a certain day , but everyone is different

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Q: Do you have to eat differently when you have autism?
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Can you get autism from being around people that have it?

Absolutely not, autism is a neuro-biological disorder that a person is born with. It is a neurological difference, meaning those born with autism, have brains that function differently that those who do not have autism. You cannot "catch" autism from others.

Can children with autism eat fish?

Yes, autism children can eat fish if he or she is not allergic.

What the fuddruckers is autism?

Autism is a neurological difference. People with Autism experience the world differently to neurotypical people and often have problems with social or communication skills, however they tend to have increased abilities with logic.

Why cant autism be cured?

Autism isn't a disease, it is a difference in how the brain works - to cure autism would mean changing a persons brain so that they think differently, experience the world differently, and they would essentially no longer be themselves.

Is the a particuler gruop of people that have autism?

There is a particular group of people that have autism: Autistic people! Autism does tend to be more commonly found in males, however often autism symptoms show differently in females and females are better at hiding their symptoms so it may be that autism is just underdiagnosed in females.

Is soy beans bad for children with autism?

No, unless they are allergic, I have autism and eat soybeand all the time

How many boys have autism in the world?

Autism rates are higher in boys simply because more boys are diagnosed as Autistic than girls. It was believed that Autism was a 'boys disorder' but as understanding of Autism grows we're starting to realize that girls may be equally likely to be Autistic but that Autism symptoms display differently in girls so it isn't being picked-up as easily when a girl is Autistic.

How bad is ADD compared with Autism?

The two conditions aren't comparable. ADD and Autism effects people differently but there are some symptoms that both conditions share such as Executive Dysfunction. How severely someone is effected can vary greatly from person to person and depending on their situation.

What part of body does not work in autism?

In Autistic people all parts of our bodies work just fine. Autism is a neurological difference, it doesn't stop any part of our bodies from working, even if you consider our brains they work differently and that doesn't mean that they do not work at all!

Do females also have autism?

Yes - I'm both female and autistic. Autism was once thought to only effect males but our understanding of autism grows we're realising that females can be autistic too. Although there remains higher numbers of autism in men, presumably associated with Fragile X syndrome which primarily effects males, researchers believe there's less of a gap between the sexes as first thought. Autism effects females differently, we can also often hide our autism better - for example males are expected to be more confident so if their autism effects that they may stand out as different, where as females are expected to be more reserved so their autism may be hidden as females are acting as expected socially.

Why Does South Burnett Deputy Mayor Keith Campbell See The World Differently?

Because He Probably has High Functioning Autism (Asperger's),Maybe Dyslexia,and Maybe Dementia.

What gender seems to be more affected by autism?

Autism seems to effect males more than females, in part because of the connection to Fragile X Syndrome. However the more we learn about autism the more we realise that it can display in different ways in females, it's likely that far more women then innitially believed are autistic but because of the idea that autism effects mostly men and because it displays differently it can be missed or misdiagnosed more often in women.