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If he drives your vehicle, then he is a known driver. All known drivers are required to be scheduled on your auto insurance policy.

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Q: Do you need to cover a 16 year old on an auto policy if they live with the other parent and only visit your house every other weekend and drive one of your cars on these visits?
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No, but if you have a home warranty policy that policy may cover it.

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AnswerAs always it depends on the policy. Most of the time everything is covered by the policy that you're on on the day you deliver.Labs and ultrasounds generally fall on whichever policy was in effect on the date of service.Occasionally some policies won't cover prenatal visits prior to coverage. The old insurance usually has no problem paying in those situations.

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If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

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There are millions of things that a homeowners insurance policy does not cover. To find out what it does cover just read your policy, anything not on there is not covered.

How old do you have to be to stay on your parent's car insurance?

It depends on the insurance company and possibly the policy. You have to check up on your specific one. For example, some policy cover children until they are 18, others till age 25 as long as they live in the same household.

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Nope, a homeowners policy does not cover the home owner.

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Your comprehensive coverage porportion of your policy may cover the critter damage depending on the terms of your policy.

Does your insurance cover a borrowed friends car without insurance?

If you are driving the car it may cover you, but it won't cover a car unless it is on your policy. Depending on your policy it may not cover you either. Some insurance policies don't cover you if you allow another driver other than yourself to drive your car. Check your policy.

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A homeowners insurance policy will cover the interests of the named insured on the policy. It does not matter if the insured is a student or not.