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Yes. Although the final language is not yet available, there has been no information released to suggest that the rules governing the dependent deduction have been changed.

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Q: Do you still get to claim your money for your dependent from the new 2013 fiscal cliff?
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Why is there a fiscal cliff?

Their is a fiscal cliff because the government/America is 16 trillion dollars in dept and we need to figure out away to pay off the dept. The fiscal cliff will bring in money by raising taxes or cutting government spending. At this point for the next two months the government has chose to raise taxes on the 2% that make 450,000 dollars a year.

Can you claim a dependent that don't receive child support money and will that affect dependent from not receiving child support money?

Claiming a dependent is not dependent on the child support issue but rather on the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

If your girlfriend owes the government money can they take your tax return if you claim her as a dependent?

yes they can

Does your daughter have to file her taxes if you can claim her as a dependent?

Yes, she does - if she is employed and earning her own money.

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The difference between fiscal & non-fiscal metering is when the measurement value is relevance to money.

What terms mean related to money?

The word "fiscal" means related to money and finance.

How much money do you get back in taxes for being a college student?

There are other factors, such as how much you earned, whether someone can claim you as a dependent and how much money was withheld.

Governmental fiscal policy?

Governments do not influence fiscal policies, only monetary policy - Expansionary fiscal policy, where money is injected into the economy to create activity. - Contractionary fiscal policy, where money is withheld from the economy in the hope to control or even reduce inflation.

What is fiscal insolvency?

It means running out of money.

Fiscal and non fiscal barriers in international marketing?

Fiscal barriers include not having enough money or capital to begin. Non fiscal barriers include consumers not being interested I your ideas or products.

What is the purpose the fiscal policy?

To tax and spend money

What is the meaning and objectives of Fiscal policy?

Fiscal policy is how the government taxes and spends money. The objective of fiscal policy is to influence the economic activity of the governmentâ??s country.