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Yes, 1 k-ohm means 1 kilohm or 1000 ohms.

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Q: Does 1.0 k ohms have the same value as 1000 ohms?
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Because 1 kiloohm is 1000 ohms. 1000 ohms is a higher resistance value than 10 ohms.

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Mega is 8 X 10^6 and Kilo is 8000 X 10^3. For every 3 you go down in powers you divide by 1000, so 8 Mega ohms is 8,000,000 ohms. 8,000 Kilo ohms or 0.008 Giga ohms.

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47000 ohms with a 10% tolerance Yellow = 4 Violet = 7 Orange = 1000 (this is the multiplier) Silver = 10% tolerance

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10 ohms or less is considered a good earth ground reference. The lower, the better.

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Line current = 10MW / 500kV = 20A Assuming the 1000 ohms is the resistance of the entire transmission line, end to end. Power loss = line current ^ 2 * line resistance = 20A ^ 2 * 1000 ohms = 400 KW

How do you converts ohms to dB?

You must find a resistance value for 0 dB as reference. If 1 Ohm = 0 dB then 10 ohms = 20 dB and 100 ohms = 40 dB.

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10 to the third (10)3 = 10 X 10 X10 = 1000

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