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Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that specifically results in memory loss. If you'd like more information on the symptoms of dementia, as well as some options for those with dementia, please visit the link in the related links.

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Not exactly. Alzheimer's is one form of Dementia, but there are others.

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It is the most common form of dementia.

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Q: Does Alzheimer's disease cause dementia or is it a form of dementia?
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Is dementia and alzheimers the same?

Not exactly. Alzheimer's is one form of Dementia, but there are others.

What is Alzhenhiemer's disease?

Alzheimers is a form dementia which is a degeneration of the brain. We really do not know what causes it but family history and lifestyle, such as activity and diet, may be factors.

Can a stroke cause alzheimers?

There is no evidence that one causes the other. The fact that victims of Alzheimer's, a form of dementia, die of any other disease, malady, etc, such as a heart attack or stroke, is attributable only to the overal degeneration of the brain and body; in other words, it is a coincidence. For more information, visit the following web page:

What are facts about alzheimers?

Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia and affects the brain. It is a degenerative brain disease, and cannot be cured. There are many treatments available for this disease, though. Alzheimer's disease is fatal, and has a few stages of dementia that the patient suffers, from mild dementia symptoms such as a few language problems and small changes in movement, and eventually ends with the patient being completely dependant on the caregiver and death. It was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906.

What is the description for frontotemporal dementia?

Frontotemporal dementia is a form of dementia that involves the degeneration of the frontal lobe of the brain. It is similar to to Alzheimer's disease and is also known as Pick's disease. The is a disease with no known cure.

What causes emotional withdrawal?

a form of dementia may set in as we grow older, this does not affect every one, however, this type of dementia could develop into Alzheimer disease which of course will cause the withdrawal from everyday life.

Is alzheimers a mental illness?

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia seen in the elderly. This is a progressive, terminal disorder that results in a range of symptoms most notably memory loss. However, as the illness progresses other cognitive (mental) functions also become affected. In some cases, patients with Alzheimers develop psychotic symptoms (such as paranoia or hallucinations). However, not all patients do. Therefore, Alzheimers is a form of dementia, not psychosis. However, in some cases patients may present with some psychotic symptoms.

How long would a child with alzheimers live?

Children do not get Alzheimer's disease. It is a chronic neurodegenerative disease and form of dementia that progressively worsens over time. It mostly strikes those age 65 and older, although there are some (5 percent) cases of it affecting people in middle age (early onset). Adults with Alzheimer's typically live three to nine years.

What is Binswanger disease?

Binswanger disease is a rare form of progressive dementia that develops after age 60 and involves degeneration of the brain's white matter.

How can we differentiate between Alzheimer's and Dementia?

The difference is in the symptoms.Alzheimer Disease is a form of progressive dementia with its own syndrome and final results (death).Dementia in general refers to any progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging.

Is Alzheimer's a form of Dementia?

The main difference is that, unlike Alzheimer’s, dementia is not a disease; it is a group of symptoms that impact memory, ability to communicate, and performance of daily tasks. It usually starts with simple forgetfulness and can progress to an inability to care for oneself. There is more than one type of dementia, and people can suffer from multiple types simultaneously.Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. It gets worse with time and affects language, thought, and memory, and it’s currently incurable. No exact cause is known.

What is the cause of multi-infract dementia?

Multi-infarct dementia is one form of dementia that occurs when small blood vessels in the brain are blocked by blood clots or fatty deposits.