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Q: Does Bristol Palin's baby have Down syndrome?
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Did Sarah palins daughter have the baby?

The father, Levi Johnston, told the Associated Press that his fiancee Bristol Palin's "due date" is December 18, 2008.

How is it possible for two people with down syndrome to produce a normal healthy child?

no because since they both have down syndrome, they will have 100 percent that they will have a down syndrome baby

When did Sarah Palins daughter have the baby?

December 27, 2008

If an older sibling has Down syndrome will a newborn baby also be born with Down syndrome?

No, this is not necessarily the case.

If your newborn baby has only slightly slanted eyes -but is very active - could she have Down syndrome?

Just because a newborn baby has slightly slanted eyes does not mean that they have down syndrome. Doctors are able to diagnose down syndrome at birth.

In which age bracket do people mostly get Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is something a baby has at birth. It is not a condition that you can "get" at a later age.

What are some syndromes a baby can be born with?

Down Syndrome, Autism, Treacher Collins syndrome, PKU, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, etc.

Down syndrome parents have a downs baby?

Unless one has translocation (inherited) Down syndrome than No, they more than likely Won't.

Which syndrome cause a baby's tongue to hang out of its mouth?

You are talking about Down syndrome. Because of the weak muscle tone of a child with Down syndrome, it appears as if the tongue is too large for the mouth.

How likely at the age of twenty-three are you to have a baby born with down syndrome?

One child in 2000 live births will have down syndrome at age 23

Can medications - such as Valium or Xanax - cause Down syndrome?

Nobody really knows exactly what causes Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome is a condition where a baby is born with an extra chromosome in their DNA. There is some evidence that says having a baby at an older age (40 and above) may have a higher risk of having a Down Syndrome baby. Taking medicines cannot cause you to develop Down Syndrome, because it's something you are born with; however, taking addictive drugs while you are pregnant does cause serious damage in the unborn baby, and many babies born to alcoholics and drug addicts have brain damage. There is a possibility that Down Syndrome could occur if the chromosomes are damaged.

Can an illegal immigrant to the US get a Green Card because of a baby with Down syndrome?

If the Down Syndrome child was born in the U.S. the parent MAY be qualified to remain in the country to care for it as long as the child remains in their custody. However, if the baby was not an "anchor baby" - no.