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Q: Does Ethical behavior covers a wider range of conduct than does legal behavior?
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The legal environment sets the normative standards of ethical behavior a true statement?

The legal environment sets the normative standards of ethical behavior

Leaders should always ensure that they address the need for ethical behavior legal and regulatory requirements and -?

The leaders should always ensure that they address the need for ethical behavior, legal regulatory requirements and social justice.

What are the legal foundations of ethical behavior?

Being ethical does always mean being legal but sometimes there are laws attached. However being unethical can have social consequences even if there are not legal ones.

What are 3 characteristics of Ethical Behavior?

Integrity, Effort, and Respect

What standards does the legal environment in regard to ethical behavior in business?

In a business setting, being ethical means applying principles of honesty and fairness to relationships with coworkers and customers..

Explain how particular conduct may be legal but unethical?

legal means within the law-ethical means according to a moral code.these are two different issues. Imagine you come home from the garage and realise that you have underpaid by accident.It might be legal to keep the money but it's not ethical.

Are ethical and legal behavior the same?

A business owner who was turned downed for a loan because it was to risky, had his accountant to change his accounting method from cach basis to accrual basis. Which he then applied for a laon with another bank (on the application there was a question that asked if he had been previously rejected for credit and he answered no). Is this business owner displaying ethical behavior or legal behavior and why?

Do veterinary have legal and ethical behavior?

Yes. Veterinarians must abide by laws that govern veterinary practice. They must also adhere to moral and ethical standards that are created by professional associations as well as their own personal moral and ethical standards.

Relationship between legal and ethical issues in nursing?

legal and ethical issues in nursing

Why do you have to follow code of conduct?

Following a code of conduct is important to promote a positive working environment, ensure fairness and respect among individuals, and maintain professionalism. It sets clear expectations for behavior and ethics, guiding interactions and decisions within an organization. Failure to follow a code of conduct can result in conflicts, damage to reputation, and legal consequences.