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Neither. Justice Sotomayor is considered a moderate liberal, as was her predecessor, Justice Souter. This leaves the balance of the Court unchanged, with four ultra-conservatives, four progressives, and one primarily conservative swing voter who sometimes agrees with the progressives (Justice Anthony Kennedy).

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Q: Does Justice Sotomayor make the US Supreme Court more liberal or more conservative?
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How many liberal and conservative justices are on the US Supreme Court in 2010?

Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor). Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.

What is the political affiliation of US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor?

AnswerShe is a liberal democrat.AnswerAlthough Justice Sotomayor was appointed by a Democratic President, she is registered as an Independent. Her record of jurisprudence has been centrist-to-progressive.

Who are the justices in the us supreme court?

The current conservative justices, from approximately most conservative to most moderate are: Justice Clarence Thomas Justice Samuel Alito Chief Justice John Roberts, Jr. Justice Anthony Kennedy

What is US Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy's ideology?

He is a conservative Republican but sometimes sides with the more liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

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Are court decisions liberal or conservative?

Not exactly. Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor). Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.

Who are the justices that will usually swing votes in the US supreme court?

Who the "swing vote" is varies from issue to issue because the cases before the Supreme Court are complex and don't always fall into "liberal" and "conservative" boxes. It's also a little hard to tell at the moment because the confirmation of Justice Elena Kagan recently changed the composition of the court and we have not gotten to read any of Justice Kagan's opinions yet. However, with those provisos in mind: Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito are considered the most conservative members of the court. Justice Kennedy is a moderate conservative. Justices Ginsburg and Breyer are considered more liberal. Justices Sotomayor and Kagan are newer, but are expected to be in the liberal wing of the court. If Justices Sotomayor and Kagan both end up voting consistently with Justices Ginsburg and Breyer, then Justice Kennedy would be the swing vote on the Court.

Who are the Florida supreme court justices in order from most liberal to most conservative?

The following a breakdown of most liberal to most conservative justices on the Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsberg: very liberal, consistently votes against the conservatives Sonia Sotomayor: consistently votes with the progressive bloc Elena Kagan: has consistently voted with the liberal bloc since joining the bench, but still fairly unproven Stephen G. Breyer: usually votes with the liberal bloc, but has proven centrist in the past Anthony Kennedy: the swing vote; considered a conservative; sometimes votes with the liberal faction Samuel A. Alito: consistently conservative Chief Justice John G. Roberts: consistently conservative Clarence Thomas: extremely conservative The current court is considered conservative in composition, although Kennedy tends to be the "swing vote" and sometimes favors a more liberal view of personal liberty issues, lending some balance to the court. The remaining justice likely to leave the court during Obama's administration is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most liberal member. If Obama doesn't replace her with a liberal justice, but with a centrist, the court may become more conservative than it is at the moment. It is likely the Senate Republicans would filibuster any nominee they considered too liberal, which would undoubtedly influence Obama's choice of successor. Roberts, Thomas and Alito are considered extremely conservative. Alito and Roberts are both young, and may serve on the bench another two decades or more; Thomas is about ten years older, but still probably has at least another ten years service ahead of him. Four of the eight current Supreme Court Justices were nominated by Republican Presidents. Four, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Clinton, 1993), Associate Justice Stephen Breyer (Clinton, 1994), Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor (Obama, 2009), and Associate Justice Elena Kagan (Obama, 2010) were nominated by Democratic Presidents.

Who is the most powerful justice on the US Supreme Court?

Probably the swing voter, Justice Anthony Kennedy. He has the power to determine whether the conservative or liberal factions prevail, because Kennedy is a moderate conservative who has, at times, sided with the liberals on the Court. The Chief Justice has no more voting power than any other justice.

Is Samuel Alito a Republican?

Yes. US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is a Republican, and has never voted with the liberal bloc on the Court. His views are considered very conservative, although not as conservative as Justices Scalia and Thomas.Republican.

Was Lewis Powell a conservative or liberal?

It depends on the Lewis Powell you are talking about: #1) Lewis F. Powell, Jr., the Ass. Justice of the Supreme court was generally considered conservative however some people did consider him a moderate. #2) Potential Lincoln assassin was conservative.

How many democrats are on the United States Supreme Court how many republicans?

Supreme court members are classified not by party (officially they must be politically neutral) but the may be classified by their judicial leanings:John Robert (Conservative)Antonin Scalia (Conservative)Clarence Thomas (Conservative)Samuel Alito (Conservative)Anthony Kennedy (Moderate)Ruth Baden Ginsberg (Liberal)Stephen Breyer (Liberal)Sonia Sotomayor (Liberal)John Stevens (Liberal)