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No, it means absolutely nothing.

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Q: Does Oh your God mean yes?
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What does ommfg mean?

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How can you say yes to a him if he ask you out?

just plain and simple yes guys like honesty nothing flash or big just say yes its not like getting married where you go oh oh oh my god oh my god oh my god y-yes yes yes.

Can you climax from moaning?

A woman asked me if i knew three different moans.i said no. she replyed, the first one is the religious moan "oh god!oh god!oh god!" the second is positive "oh yes!oh yes!oh yes!" the third is a joke "oh jim!oh jim!oh jim!"

What does o-m-g mean?

It mean Oh My God, or Oh My Gosh or Oh My Goodness or Oh My Goldfish! Okay I made the goldfish one up.....

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This word means 'Oh god' in Russian,same as OMG and Oh my god.

How do you spell the word oh my god?

if you mean "Oh my God" in abbreviation that would read "OMG"

What does the slang word OMGD mean?

it means OH MY GOD!! O= oh M= my GD= god :)

What doesn the OMG mean?

oh my god

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oh my god why G?

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It mean oh my god I think i am bleeding

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oh my god, YES! :)

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