

Does a bear have the most teeth?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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13y ago

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bears do not have the most teeth. I think a crocodile and shark have more teeth than a bear

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Does a black bear have teeth?

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Mainly teeth and claws though a bear will use its weight to knock you down before using these most of the time if you encounter a bear pretend to drop dead - the bear will ignore you unless it is very very hungry watch out for teeth claws will kill you but a bear will rarely use claws if it is very hungry

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the bear has a more avandtage because of its sharp teeth and claws so the answer is the bear.

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Its Paws, Teeth, and noise

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It is the symbol that shows that your bear needs to be washed or have their teeth brushed.

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i recommend root bear because studies have shown that it is one of the most healtiest sodas to drink! although i dont know what sprite can do to your teeth i do know that it is very delicous!!