

Do butter flies lay eggs

Updated: 8/11/2023
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No a housefly does not have a shell, it is an insect and has an exoskeleton.

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yes they do...

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Q: Do butter flies lay eggs
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Do horse flies lay eggs in humans?

Horse flies do not lay eggs on humans, they lay eggs on leaves, grass and other vegetation. Flies that lay eggs under human skin are bot flies.

How are fruit flies born?

Fruit flies lay eggs and when the eggs develop, the flies are born. Flies can lay hundreds of eggs at once.

Do flies lay eggs in rotting wood?

Fruit flies will lay eggs in rotting wood. Fruit flies will generally lay their eggs nearly anywhere that they can.

Do mail butterflies lay eggs?

No, the male flies do not lay eggs. Female flies are larger than male flies. The female flies lay over 900,000 eggs during their lifespan.

When do flies lay eggs?

Shortly after the mating season, most insects lay their eggs.

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What is the difference between housefly and butterfly?

Mosquito lay eggs in water but housefly lay eggs on land.

Why do flies lay eggs in manure and garbage?

Because flies most likely to lay their eggs in a dirty place. It's just their trip. Who cares?

Why do flies lay eggs on spoiled eggs?

Flies lay eggs in spoiled meat because it is moist. Also once the eggs hatch it provides the maggots with plenty of food to eat.

Does rotten meat produce flies?

Yes, if flies lay eggs in exposed rotting meat their larva will feed themselves until developed and then turn into new flies. If the rotting meat is not exposed the flies will not be able to lay eggs and there will be no emerging flies.

How do flies lay eggs?

when it stands on something

How many eggs can fruit flies lay?

a fruit fly can lay 17000 eggs in 10 days