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Not usually. In some cases, people with dissociated personalities are aware of their alters, but usually not unless they are receiving therapy. The purpose of therapy is to re-combine the personalities, which first involves recognizing them.

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Q: Does a person with multiple personality know each of the personalities?
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With multiple personality disorder are the personalities aware of each other and what they are doing?

Yes, in some cases.But only once these separate personalities become aware of each other's existence.Instead of say, "losing time" when they're not in charge, they can be involved in each other's day-to-day activities (such as looking on while the other performs their tasks), and have opinions of each other.

Is being two-faced the same as multiple personalities?

The difference is, with multiple personalities there are actually two different internal personalities that might not even know about each other... being two-faced is the way you act ... all nice to one person and being fake to another person... or mean behind someone's back and nice in front of them. No internal difference, just the way you act.

What is a monarch slave?

A monarch slave is a person who has been put through a system of trauma based based mind control. The mind has been split with walls of amnesia, creating multiple personality disorder or disasociative disorder. Each personality can be programmed to perform specific tasks. Most personalities are unaware of each other and these "alters", as they are referred to, can be brought forward to take control of the body through the use of certain triggers. Each monarch slave has a handler.

What types of personalities are listed in the Myers-Briggs types?

The Myers-Briggs personalities consist of 16 different personality types. Each personality type is composed of four letters that stand for extroversion, sensing, thinking, judgment, introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception.

Do people with Disociative disorder believe that they are sick?

If you are referring to Dissociative Identity Disorder, then that person is probably not even aware that something is wrong. People with DID have multiple personalities that may or may not be aware of each other, so the person rarely remembers things that have been done or said because a different personality takes over. If you were referring to a different dissociative disorder, then you need to be more specific.

It is true a Multiple personalities is possible in a human being?

Multiple Personality is an extreme form of Dissociative Disorder. This is a condition where a person reacts to extreme stress (such as abuse or trauma like war or natural disaster) by "leaving" their body and feeling as if the situation is happening to someone else instead of to them. Dissociation is a way of numbing pain so that the mind can withstand it, and results in feelings such as a dreamlike state or lack of emotion. In very extreme cases, the mind actually makes different "personalities" to deal with different emotions (although they are actually all part of the same mind), and splits or compartmentalizes itself into sections. True multiple personalities are generally not in communication with each other, and the person affected suffers from periods of "lost time" where they do not remember what has happened.

What consist personality?

Personality is the set of unique characteristics that each person has. These can be shared with others, but the sum of these traits makes a person's personality.

What personality does a humpback whale have?

*headdesk* Humpback whales are smarter that you think. They are like humans, we have personalities, so do they. each and every animal on the earth is unique and we all have personalities, got it? But in general terms, most are usually playful.

How far can personality be acquired?

Humans are born with a personality that matures as the person grows. We are each responsible for our own depth of personality.

Do phones have personalities?

Electronics do not have "personalities." Sometimes specific devices have unique quirks, they behave in a certain way based on how the hardware and software is used. This makes each device unique, which is why some people think their electronic device has a personality.

What is multiple syndrome?

a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness in which a single person dissasociates from themself and displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. it is also referred to as multiple personality disorder - MPD or dissasociative identity disorder, DID. It is not to be confused with natural or 'healthy' multiplicity, which is when several people/conciousnesses share one body. The definining difference is self-awareness, although most multiple groups will also not meet other standard MPD/DID criteria such as 'depersonalization of self' and often share memories and thoughts.

Is Multiplicity actually possible without trauma Are there documented cases of this?

Multiple personality disorder is a form of dissociation. It is a controversial topic. Some scientists do not believe that the multiples are separate personalities, but are merely parts of one personality. Other scientists feel that the personalities have indeed separated. Some multiples say they are definitely separate persons, each with their own personality, avoiding the term "Personalities" or "alters" to define members of their system There are no documented cases of dissociative disorders except those caused by some form of trauma. However, just because something isn't documented doesn't mean it hasn't or couldn't happen. For some multiples, they were multiple before the trauma occurred, or even without any trauma having ever occurred. Also, not all multiples are indeed MPD or DID, some are just naturally plural.