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You probably won't see anything. Try to avoid a D&C unless Dr says it is a 'missed miscarriage'. Some of my early miscarriages at 5-6 weeks were re-absorbed or may be went down the toilet (horrible I know, I tied to avoid that). Once I found what might have been an embryo, grey, with 2 dark dots that were may be were eyes. I just had my eighth miscarriage, this time at 10 weeks, baby probably stopped growing around 6-8 weeks, I 'gave birth' to an embryo and a placenta.

Don't give up hope for next time, I have 2 kids, age 5 and 6 years old.


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Q: Does a placenta and fetus pass at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy?
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Can you pass the fetus and placenta separately during miscarriage?

Yes. I have had two miscarriages, both at 8 to 9 weeks. The first one, everything came out as one. On the second one, I passed the fetus first then passed the placenta the next time I went to the toilet. The placenta is much bigger.

Does chemicals from cigarette smoke pass through the placenta to the fetus?

I am sure that it does.

What are the three harmful things that can pass across the placenta to the fetus?

alcahol canser and diseses

How does a women pass substances into her foetus?

The fetus receives oxygen and nourishment from the placenta via the umbilical cord. Waste and carbon dioxide return to the placenta via the umbilical cord.

Why it is important for the pregnant mother to avoid many substances during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Any substance that the mother consumes is going to wind up in her blood stream, and it will pass through the placenta to the fetus. The development of the fetus is at its most sensitive during the first trimester, and toxic substances such as alcohol can cause abnormalities.

What happens if you miscarry at 6 weeks?

Nothing. You wait for the fetus to pass (like a period).

How does food pass through the mother to get to the fetus to feed of off?

The baby is connected by the umbilical cord to the placenta. The placenta is attached to the inside of the womb. Blood carries food through the blood vessels in the wall of the womb and the blood vessels of the placenta absorb the food.

What is a placenta where is it and what is used for?

The placenta grows inside the uterus of a pregnant mother during growth of the unborn fetus. The placenta allows nutrients, wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide, fluids, hormones, and other substances to pass between the host (pregnant mother) and the fetus without letting their blood streams co-mingle. The placenta is expelled as part of the birthing process, and is commonly called the afterbirth. Follow the Related Link below to view a Wikipedia article on this subject.

What way does blood normally pass across the placenta?

blood does not pass across the placenta

What specific type of acquired immunity that a fetus obtains from maternal antibodies that cross the placenta is called?

Passive immunity because the antibodies pass from mother to fetus.

Can nicotine and alcohol get absorbed into the bloodstream and pass through the placenta into the body of a baby?

Yes. These chemicals are considered teratogens and are extremely harmful for the developing embryo or fetus - they can result in various developmental disorders, especially during the first and second trimesters. It is never advised to drink and/or smoke heavily during pregnancy, if at all.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage and not the pass the tissue of the fetus?

Yes you can. Sometimes the baby dies but you do not 'miscarry' it. Eventually you will probably pass it but sometimes you may need to be induced. Unfortunately this is called a missed abortion. DICTIONARY Abortion. Medical term for termination of pregnancy by any means before the fetus (baby) is able to survive. Threatened abortion. Bleeding and/or cramps with the fetus still alive and the cervix (neck of the wonb) still closed. May go on to become Inevitable abortion. (Miscarriage) Cervix opens and fetus is lost. Incomplete abortion. Some of the products of conception (fetus and/or placenta) are retained. Therapeutic abortion. Termination of pregnancy by a medical practitioner. D and C. Dilation and Curettage. Operation whereby the gynecologist opens the cervix (dilation) and scrapes (curettes) the lining of the uteus (womb) to remove the products of conception. May follow an incomplete abortion.