

Does a rock weigh more in water?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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Q: Does a rock weigh more in water?
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If a rock and a bucket of water weigh 5 lbs how much will the bucket of water weigh with the rock inside?

it is the same weigh.

If a rock and tank of water together weigh 100 pounds what will it weigh when the rock is in the tank?

Unless the rock causes some of the water displaced in the tank to overflow and leave the tank, just placing the rock into the water won't change the weights; it will still weigh 100 pounds.

How much does a rock weigh?

It depends on the size of the rock and what type of rock it is. Some rocks are more dense than others, so they weigh more or less depending on that.

Why does a rock weigh nothing in mercury a metal?

A rock always weighs something unless in free fall. If you are asking why that rock doesn't sink in mercury, its because rock density is 2-3 while mercury is 7.6. The object with higher density will sink. In the case of water, a rock is more dense than water(having a density of 1) and sinks in water.

Does a 55 barrels of rocks weigh more than 55 barrels of water?

If it's *ordinary* rock, yes. But some volcanic rock, like pumice, can be lighter than water, so... 55 barrels of pumice might be lighter.

Does a rock weigh more than a moon?

No. Any object on the moon would weigh about a sixth of what it does on Earth.

Which weigh more water or ice?

It depends how much water and how much ice you hae. if you have 1 ice cube and 6 cups of water, the water will weigh more. But, if you have 10 ice cubes and 1/4 cup of water the ice will weigh more.

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salt water

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nonow if you had said does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.....

What weighs more bricks or water?

it basicly depends on the quantity: if there is more water and less bricks then the water weighs more if there are more bricks than water then the bricks weigh more if the bricks and water are in equal amount, then if the water is really dense it may weigh more... it varies

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They weigh the same

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