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Yes. I live in a right to work state.

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Q: Does a spouse have a legal right to half of the other spouse's paycheck during marriage or separation?
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What is marriage separation?

Marriage separation refers to the period during which a married couple lives apart while still legally married. It can be a temporary arrangement or a precursor to divorce, allowing spouses time and space to evaluate their relationship and make decisions about their future. During separation, couples may seek counseling, negotiate financial matters, and determine child custody arrangements. While separated, spouses often maintain separate residences and may establish guidelines for communication and interaction. Legal procedures and requirements for separation vary by jurisdiction, and couples may choose to reconcile or proceed with divorce based on their individual circumstances.

Is Arizona a Tenancy by the Entirety state?

No, it is a community property state. In a CP state all property acquired during the marriage is considered to be equally owned by both spouses, and in most cases all debts incurred during the marriage are considered to be the equal responsibility of both spouses.

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States that permit same-sex marriage will list same-sex spouses on the birth certificate of any child born to either spouse during the marriage. In this case, as well as in cases of adoption, the parental rights belong to both spouses equally.

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Is California a tenancy by the entirety state?

No, it is a community property state. Tenancy By The Entirety is reserved for married couples only. In a CP state all property acquired during the marriage is considered to be equally owned by both spouses, and in most cases all debts incurred during the marriage are considered to be the equal responsibility of both spouses.

Is property acquired after separation in Pennsylvania considered marital property?

In the state of Pennsylvania, property that is acquired after legal separation is not considered property purchased during the marriage. The only time that property is considered joint after legal separation is if joint marital funds are used.

Does South Carolina make spouses responsible for the others debt in their name only?

Under South Carolina law, debt that is incurred during a marriage is presumed to be marital debt. This would mean that both spouses are legally obligated for their share of the debt, regardless of the listed individual to the debt.

What does equitable distribution mean in marital property?

Equitable Distribution is more flexible, but more difficult to tell the outcome because there are various factors taken into consideration during the settlement negotiations. In includes; age/physical and emotional health of both spouse; how long the couple were married; income or property brought to the marriage by either one of the spouses; standard of living while married or any written agreement made by the spouses before or during the marriage concerning property distribution. What each spouse made during the course of the marriage; the present value of the property on which the spouses lived; taxes for each spouse; a custodial parent to remain in the marriage home and keep possession of household effects; any debts and liabilities and that each spouse pay they debts. The courts may find more reasons before a decision is made.

If a husband cheated during the marriage and caused the wife to leave can he get the wife to pay him alimony because she has dated since the separation?

No, the parties to a divorce don't have that kind of leverage.

What will you do if your spouse wants to date other women during separation?

First of all there is NO such thing as separation in marriage.. u are married by law and in the eyes of god ! so until you are legally divorced and both moved on then.. THERE SHOULD BE NO DATING OTHER PPL... that's adultery

What is the meaning of the marriage vows in Catholic Marriage?

Promises spouses make to each other during the wedding ceremony. There are different versions according to religious and personal taste. == == Marriage vows are a promise between a man and a woman to share there lives together until death do they part.

Is a man legally required to support his wife during separation?

Does your husband have to legally and financially support his wife during a separation