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It likely will not affect your treatment, but it is a good practice not to drink alcohol during treatment.

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Q: Does alcohol affect treatment for trichomoniasis?
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Related questions

Is there an alternative treatment for trichomoniasis?

The treatment alternatives for trichomoniasis are metronidazole and tinidazole. There are no other effective treatments.

Do antibiotics cure trichomoniasis?

Amoxicillin won't treat trich.Amoxicillin is not effective against trichomonas.Yes

Does trichomoniasis affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test?

Trichomoniasis does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

Is there any over the counter medication for trichomoniasis?

No, trichomoniasis requires prescription antibiotic treatment.

Is trichomoniasis dangerous to a unborn baby?

Not if you get treatment.

What would happen if you nut why being treated for Trichomoniasis?

If you ejaculate while being treated for trichomoniasis, you won't affect treatment. If you have sex with someone while being treated, you could infect the partner, and the partner could then reinfect you.

How does trichomoniasis affect your life?

Trichomoniasis may be an annoyance, but not a significant health problem for most people. It does not cause more serious disease or affect future fertility. Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may have a higher risk of preterm labor.

What is a one-day treatment for trichomoniasis?

Two grams of metronodazole is the one-day treatment for trichomoniasis. Although the treatment is a single dose, you should avoid sex for seven days after treatment -- even sex with a condom.

Does trichomoniasis cause you to be on your cycle for 7 months?

Trichomoniasis, if severe, may cause light spotting, especially after sex. However, it will not affect your cycle so that you have heavier, period-like bleeding for seven months. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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Do doxycycline and fluconazole cure trichomoniasis?

Neither doxycycline nor fluconazole cure trichomoniasis. See your health care provider for effective treatment.

What sexually transmitted diseases affect cattle?

Several, including trichomoniasis, bovine viral diarrhea, leptospirosis, and others.