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Not necessarily, but a young man with hairy arms is more likely to develop chest hair at some point (usually by his early 30s).

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Q: Does arm hair will develop into chest hair?
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Does Jason dolley have hairy legs?

yes there are pretty hairy and he has chest hair and pit hair and arm hair he is really hairy

When does chest hair growth peak?

It varies dramatically. A few men will have a thick mat of chest hair before they are 18; other men are relatively smooth-chested in their teens and 20s and then develop a lot of chest hair in their 30s. Typically, however, you should have a sense for how hairy your chest will be by the age of 25 or so.

How can a drop the hint that im going through puberty?

That you have Pubic Hair, Armpit Hair, Chest hair, Arm Hair, Leg Hair, Your Penis Is Getting Bigger, Your Voice Is Changing... And so on

Will hair grow for girls bitween arm and chest?

Yes and no.It depends on the genes.But it is normal in most cases.

You are 28 years old you dont have chest hair you want to know if there is any way that you can have chest hair?

So here's the thing: chest hair is genetically determined. If you look at your father, grandfathers, or uncles, and if they have chest hair, then you might get chest hair, too. If not, then it's less likely. But there's another thing: men continue to develop body hair throughout their 20s and into their 30s. It is entirely possible that a man who has no chair on his chest in his 20s will develop some in his 30s. That said, the fact that you are 28 and have no chest hair so far probably means that you're not going to have much, if any, chest hair--and there is literally nothing that can be done about this. Usually I advise hairy men to be comfortable being hairy and not wax or shave, etc., but in this case I advise you, as a smooth man, to be comfortable being smooth. The fact is that a lot of women (or men, if you are gay) really prefer smooth chests. I say embrace your smooth chest!

Why is your chest hairy but your hair is not?

Because "hair" is hair ... and having lots of chest hair makes for a hairy chest.

Why is it an indication of puberty for girls?

chest growing-hurts when it hits something or running/jumping, discharge, pubic hair, under arm hair, period, and growth spurts.

What parts of your body grow hair?

The human body is covered with hair but the head, chest ,arm pits, legs, area around the reproductive organs grows thicker

Why does chest hair not come in until you get in your thirties?

Different men get chest hair at different times. Many 13- or 16-year-olds will have some, and for a lot of men their chest hair grows in in their 20s, but most men's body hair doesn't finish growing in until they're in their 30s. You could be completely hairless and then suddenly start growing body hair in your 30s. Not all men develop chest hair, however, but most men have at least some.

Do golden retriever dogs have a fat pocket on their chest?

Not a kangaroo pouch but when they get a little older thick hair will develop.

Is there dye for arm hair?

Answer:They make hair dye. Arm hair is hair. Therefore, by deductive resoning, there is dye for arm hair. Dying arm hair is popular in Cambodia and Laos

Do boys have puperty?

yes they do but they do not bleed like a girl they get chest,pubic,and under arm hair they also have mood swings from time to time