

Does bamboo have leaves

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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Im pretty sure that they could grow on them. As of a matter of fact yes they do my Aunt has tons of bamboo in her house and they have leaves

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Koalas eats eucalyptus leaves - not bamboo.

What kind food do pandas eat?

pandas basicly eat fruit,bamboo and vegetables.

What kind of leaves do pandas eat?

Bamboo, Its the only thing they eat.They get all the water they need from that plant.

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How is the Panda bears biome is like?

The panda bears biome is the Bamboo Forest because its main food is bamboo leaves and what other place is good to get bamboo leaves than the bamboo forest! The Bamboo Forest is home to other animals like the Tucan it has tall trees and high grasses!!

What kind of food does a panda eat?

Panda cubs are born in a den and are nursed for several months. Once they reach about six months old panda cubs can begin to eat bamboo although milk remains their primary source of food. Once they reach about one year of age, pandas only eat bamboo.