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Q: Does blood die when it hits the air?
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Why dous blood tern red?

Your blood turns red when it hits the air.

When air hits a blue blood what color is?

? Are you asking what color does blue blood turn after it comes in contact with air? Red!

Can i die from a bullet?

Depends where it hits you. If it hits you in the heart or any important organ, you probably will die. You can also lose too much blood if it hits you anywhere and die.

Does seman die when it hits air?

== == this is a old wives tale. no it doesn't. it doesn't die until it completely dries out. if you research this issue, you will see this said through out.

Why are your vains blue?

Because you blood is blue untill it hits the air

Do you die from sucking your own blood?

No, you do not die from sucking your own blood... however it is unhealthy for your body because after your blood is exposed to the bacteria in the air your blood gets unhealthy... therefore you can suck your own blood and not die... but you will have numerous germs in your body that will spread!

How do you prove that blue veins carry red blood?

Because blood is actually blue, but once it hits the air, it turns red!

Why is your blood blue til it hits the air?

No, it is a myth. Venal blood is darker red than arterial blood. Veins appear blue, but do not accurately represent the colour of the contents.

What happens when air bubbles got into the patient's blood system?

if it is big enough they DIE

Can you die from air in your blood?

Yes you can die. Because the air that have entered in your system will travel around your body. And up to your brain. And your brain would not allow it . And That would eventually kill you

What makes our blood appear to be red in color?

The Oxygen Hits The Chemicals In The Blood Turning It Red Instantly, But Even Though Your Body Has Oxygen In It And Through The Blood It Needs A Certain Amount To Do That.

What color is the human blue before the air hits it?

It is red. Blood is never blue but only appears to be because of the layers of skin and other tissues above it. If blood was blue and only turned red when it touched the air, then it would be blue in a syringe, that being a vacuum sealed environment where no air is present. Blood is not blue.